If you are looking into taking your business to Amazon and becoming an Amazon Seller, our experienced Amazon seller CPA is prepared to assist you. Our team has helped countless individuals grow their businesses on Amazon. One of the first steps you will take in this process is deciding which type of business formation is best. To learn the options you may want to explore, continue reading and speak with our team. The type of business formation that is best for you and your Amazon business depends greatly on your individual circumstances. If you require further assistance with this process, do not hesitate to pick up the phone today and speak with our experienced team. Here are some questions you may have:
What are the different types of corporations?
There are two primary types of corporations: C Corporations and S Corporations. A C Corporation is best-suited for established companies that have multiple employees. C Corporations have many potential benefits such as limited liability, general capital, and corporate tax treatment. However, C Corporations are only for specific types of businesses.
S Corporations are similar to C Corporations; however, an S Corporation is a flow-through entity regarding tax treatment. This means that income generated in an S Corporation is only taxed on a personal level. S Corporations allow for tax savings, tax credits, and more.
What is an LLC?
An LLC is a Limited Liability Company which is the most common type of business formation among Amazon business owners. LLCs allow businesses to receive the same limited liability as corporations, plus the operational flexibility and tax implications of a partnership. This allows for fewer restrictions to profit sharing.
If you have any further questions about which type of business formation is best for you and your Amazon business, do not hesitate to reach out to our team. To learn more about our services and how we can help you to grow your Amazon business as a new Amazon seller, give our team a call today. We would be happy to speak with you and learn more about your goals and concerns as you begin this journey. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Contact Our Team
If you are an Amazon seller and require the assistance of an experienced Certified Public Accountant, please contact Ebiz Accounting for an initial consultation. We provide Amazon business accounting services to clients in New York and throughout the United States. All Amazon sellers should have an accountant they can trust. If you are looking to expand your business, or even form a new one, do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable team today.